Twitter for Business

In 2012 Twitter set out to launch an improved version of it's online offering for businesses. As a Creative Lead on the Sales Marketing team, I was responsible for developing the launch video that accompanied the site launch designed by HUGE Inc.

I made 100% of this spot from copywriting to animation to live action shooting.

"Twitter has also published a new video that, in my opinion, is the most effective messaging the company has offered yet for businesses — not just why, but also how to do business on Twitter."             -MarketingLand

Twitter's utility in the realm of breaking news, world events and pop culture is undeniable. But it's use for businesses was a more complicated story.


Just a portion of the storyboards I drew for the spot.


Site Redesign

Press Coverage

"Twitter has also published a new video that, in my opinion, is the most effective messaging the company has offered yet for businesses — not just why, but also how to do business on Twitter. It’s basic and meant for beginners, but there’s a lot of information packed into a little more than two minutes."
"They’ve come off the mountain top to speak to the commoners. Personally, I think that is incredibly smart since the social media industry tends to race so far ahead of most business owners and stakeholders and then is shocked when they are not keeping pace."
"While much of the content is similar to what Twitter previously made available for businesses, that content is now organized in such a way that it’s easy for Twitter beginners as well as experts to get what they need from the site."


Written, Directed, Animated, Photographed, Produced: Charles Wood